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Wednesday, August 01, 2007


nate watson

I bet that Bible would fetch a decent dollar of ebay from some relic hunter scouring the digital marketplace for such a find.


oh my gosh--that is hysterical! lol!!!

Tony Sebastian

I wish I could have seen your face.

nick poole

that's awesome tim!! and pretty impressive to still be able to finish out the message!

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Nicaragua 2008

  • Prayer
    In July of 2008, along with our friends Carl and Andrea Redding, we took 9 teenagers to Nicaragua for a 10 day missions trip. There we ministered to thousands of people in hospitals, schools, churches, an orphanage, and in the streets. The overall stats include over 150 people making decisions for Christ, 1 blind man receiving his sight, a lame regaining strength in her legs, and we cast a demon out of a woman. It was a great 10 days of ministry.
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